Uncover hidden wonders under the waters of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay
The Bruce Peninsula, Tobermory, Flowerpot Island, Georgian Bay…we know you’ve heard about it.
Canada’s premiere dive destination and home to Flowerpot Island in Fathom Five National Marine Park.
In the Bruce Peninsula, there are endless opportunities to explore above and below the surface.
22 shipwrecks, 10-150 feet

With tanks or without, diving enthusiasts will be reluctant to surface with so much to see. You’ll see plenty with up to 100 feet of water clarity. Our pristine waters feature submerged forests, limestone shoals and a wide collection of sunken vessels awaiting your discovery. Fathom the possibilities…
Fathom Five National Marine Park is an underground museum.

Renowned for scuba diving, Fathom Five National Marine Park is Canada’s first underwater park and boasts 22 known shipwrecks! Regardless of your experience as a diver or snorkeler, the dive shops of Tobermory will introduce you to Canada’s premiere dive destination. Stop into Blue Heron Adventures for equipment rentals and private charters.
The park is over 116 square kilometres of crystal-clear water surrounded by a chain of 19 islands. Sheer cliffs and huge caves can be found both on the islands and beneath the turquoise waters. And for the diving enthusiasts’, the remains for over 20 historical shipwrecks lie 10 to 150 feet beneath the surface waiting to be investigated. Savage storms have left masts broken and scattered, but massive timbers remain intact, giving divers and snorkelers a glimpse of steamers and cargo ships that brought passengers and supplies to the Bruce Peninsula over a century ago.
Be an Underwater Explorer

Tobermory is one of the few places in Canada to have a hyperbaric dive chamber, refurbished in 2015 to provide essential medical and educational support for the North American diving community. Dive shops, sightseeing and charter vessels, and the Parks Canada Diver Registration Centre are all located within walking distance in Little Tub Harbour. All divers planning to dive in Fathom Five, need to first obtain their dive tag by registering at the Centre.
For all your Scuba Diving and Snorkeling needs, contact:
Little Cove Adventures
Parks Canada Diver Registration Centre
During the busy summer months, be sure to plan and book ahead.