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An Evening with Dan Needles 201 High Street, Southampton

Dan Needles, author of the beloved (and hilarious), Wingfield Farms plays, comes to Southampton on OCTOBER 5th at 7:30 pm Hear Dan and his sandbox pal Tim the Entertainer, Southampton Town Hall Auditorium Tickets available on Eventbrite Prepare to be entertained by this very funny and talented duo. Dan is the renowned playwright and humorist known for his witty and insightful commentary on rural life with the beloved Wingfied Farm comedies, columns and books. Dan’s latest book, Finding Larkspur – A Return to Village Life, will be released in September (and available at the event). Tim the Entertainer ditched high finance for a home on the stage and will definitely have you laughing, singing, and tapping your toes. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable evening of laughter and entertainment brought to you by the Southampton BIA Cash bar.