Southampton Arts is pleased to announce our 1st ever POTTERY SHOW just in time for the holidays! Come find that perfect gift for that special someone on your list. There’s something for EVERYONE! ”Seize the Clay” runs from NOV 1 – DEC 23 Southampton Arts proudly presentslocal POTTERS, THROWERS & CERAMISTS: ● Murray Fox ● Susan Nichol ● Gayle Fairchild ● Susan McDonald ● Shawna Cooper ● Stephen Corner ● Anke Dirks-Werhman ● Terri Del Signore We’re setting up an indoor market space for the entire months of NOVEMBER & DECEMBER! Starting DEC 1st EVERY purchase in the GALLERY enters you to WIN one of 12 gifts of ART donated by our generous gallery artists! Each prize valued at about $250!

Plan Your Adventure to the Best Breweries in Bruce County

Bruce County is One of the Best Places to Go Hiking in Ontario

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Lighthouses to Brighten Your Day in Bruce County

Coffee lovers, rejoice!

From Farm to Table

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