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Flowerpot Island Lightstation

Welcome to the The Friends of The Bruce District Parks Association In 1969, the lighthouse building at Flowerpot Island was pushed from the cliff and replaced with a steel tower, the functioning range light we see today. Concerned about the deteriorated condition of the light station, the Friends of Fathom Five and the Canadian Coast Guard came to an agreement in 1995, handing over operations to the Friends for light station maintenance and restoration, which began in 1996. General cleanup, repainting, roof re-shingling, garden and lawn care, trail improvements, signage and a composting toilet have been produced by hundreds of dedicated volunteers. The century-old lightkeeper’s house is open for tours, cold drinks and souvenirs. The Flowerpot Lightstation is accessible only by boat from the mainland at Tobermory. Guided tour boats depart from Little Tub Harbour, and if your choice is to visit the island, there is a Parks Canada visitors fee. Plan to spend an entire day–bring a lunch, visit the museum in the Lightkeeper’s home, hike the trails, climb to the observation deck, and swim in the cool, clear waters of Georgian Bay. Lighthouse Features
  • Type of Light: Fixed White Light Dipotic Light
  • Range: 22.4 km
  • Height: 88 ft
  • Steps: Hike to Castle Bluff
  • Style: Steel Tower
  • Year Built: 1897
Flowerpot Island Lightstation
Flowerpot Island Lightstation Museum
Tobermory ON Canada