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Man on motorcycle in Bruce County along lakeshore

Motorcycle along the Lake Huron coastline

There’s no better way to see the sights of Bruce County than from your very own motorcycle. Stop when you want, cover some serious ground and go at your own pace. Feel the fresh air hit your face as it just comes off the lake and as you ride along the shoreline – just one of many routes you can take on the shoreline!

Lake Huron Shoreline Motorcycle Tour

There’s no better way to see the sights of Bruce County than from your very own motorcycle. Stop when you want, cover some serious ground and go at your own pace. While planning your own route can be fun, having a pre-planned route to rely on is a relaxing alternative. We have compiled a two night ready-made, motorcycle friendly route that follow the best roads, takes you past some amazing sights and offers some great photo opportunities along the way. We’ve even added some culinary pit stops to add to your adventure!

This two-night motorcycle tour is for the motorcycle enthusiasts. Suited for the artist, the foodie, the culturally curious and those who just want a beautiful ride on some amazing Bruce County roads.

Off to a good start…

This Lake Huron Shoreline Tour kicks off after a peaceful night at the Sauble Falls Bed and Breakfast. After a delicious home-cooked breakfast, be sure to check out Sauble Falls, immediately across the road from the B & B. Depending on the season, you will see salmon jumping up the falls or brave swimmers sliding down them. Either way, it’s a beautiful view.

From there, cruise Lakeshore Boulevard and stop for a picture under the iconic “Welcome to Sauble Beach” arching sign at the end of the main drag. Do some shopping in all the beachy stores, then duck in at Two Chicks Cafe for a coffee and a treat before hitting the highway again.

Add a bit of culture

From Sauble Beach, take the journey down Bruce Road 13 to Southampton. Southampton is yet another beautiful lakeshore town with great views of the Saugeen River, The Range Light and the Chantry Island Lighthouse. Parking by the Saugeen River mouth will give you some breathtaking scenic photo opportunities. The giant Canadian flag (50 by 25 feet) by Lake Huron is also worth checking out.

If you’re looking for local cultural options, the Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre and Fairy Lake grounds have plenty of history to offer. Follow up your cultural excursion with some local art by visiting the Guest Artist Room at the Southampton Gallery and Art School. Keep with the local theme by sitting down to a scrumptious lunch of homemade soup, bruschetta, baked treats and latte’s at Elk and Finch.
With a cultured mind and a full stomach, head back along Miramichi Bay Road to Port Elgin. This beautiful waterfront road will have you feeling the rush of that fresh Great Lake breeze, so soak it up! Then head back onto Highway 21 to Underwood. On the right side of the highway as you enter Underwood, you’ll find Tennyson’s of Underwood, a huge local power sports dealership so big that it’s taken up residence in a former elementary school building. Tennyson’s can hook you up with the parts and accessories needed for the rest of your journey.

An epic ride

From Underwood, ride over to the Bruce Power Visitors’ Centre. Here you can stretch your legs while learning more about one of the main industries in our area: the world’s largest nuclear power plant. You’ll be sure to learn a thing or two – it’s pretty decked out!

Carry on to the Inverhuron Provincial Park – one of Bruce County’s best-kept secrets. Enjoy Inverhuron’s white sandy beach and maybe even a beautiful sunset. Don’t forget to visit Rainbow Bridge!

Ride over to Kincardine to finish your epic day. Enjoy a sizzling steak dinner downtown at the Bruce Steakhouse. You’ll be more than ready to hit the hay as you watch the sunset from your room with a lighthouse-view, at Kincardine‘s premier boutique hotel, the Inn at the Harbour. 65 thrilling kilometres later, you’ve got a pretty good idea of what Bruce County lakeshore living is all about!

If you think that’s all …

… you’re missing out on some amazing routes! These cover roads all over the county, bringing you to gorgeous sights, right up to the base of lighthouses or to the edge of the Peninsula.

Use one, use a piece of each of them, or go your own way – anyway you do it, you’re sure to see something fantastic.

It looks like there aren't many listings for the season. Please try another season.