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two bikers stopped on a pier, chatting with each other on a lighthouse motorcycle tour

Motorcycle Tour: Lighthouses of Bruce

For a scenic and historical ride through the Bruce, follow this lighthouse motorcycle tour to view our display of lighthouses. This tour takes you up the lakeshore and peninsula and through many busy little towns. Take your time to explore each lighthouse on this tour; you won’t regret reading about the interesting history of each one. This tour is perfect for the history buff, or a rider who loves waterfront views. 


Start Point: Point Clark

End Point: Tobermory

Key Points

Distance: 236 km

Days: 2 Days

Surface: Mostly Paved

Good For:

Experienced Riders

Allow at least two full days to give this lighthouse motorcycle tour justice. You will want to ‘kickstand’ as much as you ride to take in the sights and local fare.

Begin in the southern portion of the County at the Point Clark Lighthouse just off Highway 21. Here you can park your bike underneath the Imperial Tower and climb to the top.

From here, take Highway 21 over to Kincardine to tour their downtown Lighthouse. Plan it around a summer weekend and take in the Pipe Band Parade every Saturday night. Can you wear a kilt and ride?

Follow Bruce Road 23 north to the Bruce Power Energy Centre and snap a picture under the giant wind turbines. Coming out of the visitor center, turn right on Concession 4 and make your next right on Tie road. Make the next right onto Concession 6 and a quick left onto sideroad B/C. This takes you to Concession 8. Turn right and make another quick left onto Bruce Rd 33. Having fun yet? Follow this road to Port Elgin, all the way to Bruce Road 25. You will pass MacGregor Point Provincial Park. Once you get to Bruce Road 25, just head up to Highway 21 and explore the town of Port Elgin

Man on lighthouse motorcycle tour riding by the lakeshore at sunset

Take the scenic North Shore Road from Port Elgin to Southampton. You can see the Chantry Island Lighthouse from this windy road. Check out the Big Flag on High Street and book your boat cruise to get out on the island (Weather and Birds) permitting. There are a couple of Range Lights down by the main harbour. Again follow the light(s). If you want the full story all-in-one spot to park your bikes at the Bruce County Museum and take the tour. You won’t be disappointed.

From Southampton, you will continue north toward Sauble Beach on Bruce Road 13. When you get to Sauble, make sure to get a picture of your bike underneath the Welcome sign right downtown.

Continue north on Bruce Road 13 all the way to Wiarton. Take Bruce Road 9 to Lions Head, turn right onto Bruce Road 18 and head toward Cape Croker. Turn left onto Purple Valley Road and make a quick right onto Coveney’s Road and follow this until you get to the variety store on the Cape. Stop in and ask for directions to the lighthouse. Note: there is about 3 km of gravel to get to this site. Backtrack your way back to Bruce Road 9 and follow this road until you ride into Lions Head. Arriving in this charming little town, head down to the marina and take some shots of the Lions Head Lighthouse. See if you can spot the ‘Lion’s Head’ in the rocks immediately east of the lighthouse. Find your way to Bruce Road 6  and cruise up the Peninsula. You will pass the Bruce Peninsula National Park on your way up to Tobermory. You won’t want to miss the 2-hour day-hike out to the “Grotto”, one of the area’s biggest natural phenomena (This is best in the spring and fall). Don’t worry, they are used to seeing hikers in leather!

Arriving in Tobermory, turn left when you hit the water on Highway 6 and follow this road around ‘Big Tub’ to the Big Tub Lighthouse. Head back into the main harbour, park the bikes and sit on a patio of one of the unique restaurants. You will end your tour by boarding a tour boat out to Flowerpot Island and around Cove Island, to see the last two Lighthouses on your journey. 

Check out other motorcycle routes:

The Farmlander Motorcycle Tour

The Lakeshore Motorcycle Tour

The Small Town Loop Motorcycle Tour

The Peninsula Wave Motorcycle Tour

It looks like there aren't many listings for the season. Please try another season.