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wide shot of the water cascading at Sauble Falls. The surrounding trees are shades of green and burnt orange.

Sauble Falls Provincial Park

Sauble Falls Provincial Park is the perfect basecamp for visits to nearby Sauble Beach and the Bruce Peninsula. It is in the lower drainage basin of the Sauble River which flows into Lake Huron. The campground consists of two sections, the West section of the site is a quiet zone (no radios allowed). Group camping is available in the east section. Many sites along the east portion of the park back up against the Sauble River. The park is also the downstream terminus of the Rankin River canoe route.

The park consists of an exceptional picnicking site including a children’s adventure playground. It has excellent fishing with spring and fall spawning runs for Rainbow Trout and Chinook salmon. Watch the fish struggle over each ledge of this cascading waterfall to spawn upstream.

Visit the historic falls used to power a timber mill and generating station. Now flanked by immature forest, the falls are the end of the Rankin River canoe route – ideal for novice canoeists.

There is also a great hiking trail that winds its way along the river. Grab an interpretive brochure at the gatehouse to learn as you hike!

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Sauble Falls Provincial Park
1400 Sauble Falls Rd
Sauble Falls ON N0H 2T0