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Saugeen First Nation Amphitheatre

One of the most beautiful and scenic gardens in Western Ontario.Stone stairways and walkways, terraced gardens and an outdoor amphitheatre constructed of locally quarried stone overlook the Saugeen River quietly snaking its way in the distance. The word “Friendship” outlined in large white letters on a grassy area below the gardens underlines the focus of this quiet and tranquil park. A nature path winds its way down to the river’s edge. A visit to the Saugeen Amphitheatre in July or August will allow an opportunity to experience firsthand the Ojibway culture by participating in workshops and other programs.

The original historic people of Saugeen are Ojibway. “Chippewas of Saugeen” is the legal name of the community and in early 1970s began referring to their community as a “First Nation”. The Ojibway heritage is rich in colour and expression. This is evident in dance, works of art and the handmade craft creations. The public is invited to sample the Saugeen Ojibway’s cultural heritage and experience their gracious hospitality.

Saugeen First Nation Amphitheatre
6493 ON-21
Southampton ON Canada