Beat the heat, cool down at the splash pad!
As the morning sun rises over Bruce County, our communities come to life with excitement for another day of water play and adventure.
There are bustling beaches, and the popular swimming spots for those who love the water and bobbing amid the white-crested waves, and even local pools to help you cool off. But Bruce County also boasts alternative options to beat the heat when you visit.
Play in the Water

Whether you’re at the Lions Park Splash Pad in wavy Kincardine, running through the unique sprinklers at the Lucknow Splash Pad, checking out the shaded North Shore Park Splash Pad in Port Elgin, or enjoying the Rotary Park Splash Pad in Southampton, you’ll get a chance to cool off while avoiding crowds at the main beaches. Imagine being the first child to arrive at the splash pad. The bright and boisterous colours of the features are ready for action. It’s a dry canvas, soon to be painted with water and laughter.
You’re in the Splash Zone Now

Friends begin to arrive and it’s time to play! You trigger the sensors and watch the water burst through spouts in the ground and overhead. You’re in the splash zone now and it’s cool and refreshing on your sun-kissed skin.
You grab your friend’s hand and run through the mist of a beautiful rainbow to be greeted on the other side by duelling water wands. As you whip the wands back and forth, you’ve somehow managed to escape getting completely drenched. As you take a moment to decide which water feature to try next, you’re surprised by a full bucket above tipping over onto you and your friends. You’re soaked now and the fun is just beginning!
Splash Pads Galore
Nearly every community in Bruce County features splash pads to laugh and play in. Find them all!
Bluewater Park in Wiarton
Lewis Park in Ripley
Chesley Splash Pad in Chesley
Jubilee Park in Southampton
Lions Splash Pad in Kincardine
Walkerton Kinsmen Splash Pad in Walkerton
Port Elgin Lions Club Splash Pad in Port Elgin
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Learn all about visiting Bruce, Grey, and Simcoe counties here.