Indoor and patio event with live music and BBQ to benefit Love of Brian Farm Sanctuary based outside of Meaford, Ontario. $10 a the door. Cause We Can Bruce Grey believes human and non-human animals share a unique bond that goes beyond our reliance on food, and that our varied relationship with them should never warrant their mistreatment. To do our part, Cause We Can will be hosting a fundraiser for The Love Brian Farm Sanctuary this July at Three Sheet Brewing with all proceeds going to this wonderful farm. Located in Meaford, Love of Brian Farm Sanctuary believes every farm animal deserves a loving & safe place to live their natural lives, and so provides a home for those who have been discarded by society. Their mission is to create a community that works together to bring individuals to safety and be welcomed as permanent members of their families. For more information please visit their website here: LOVE OF BRIAN Join us on Saturday, July 20th at Three Sheets Brewery from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm and help us reach our goal of extending assistance in the form of monetary and non-monetary support. Featuring local artists, Odd Marshall and Randi, a BBQ, and much more, you don’t want to miss this exciting event!

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