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Reasons to move to Bruce County

Bruce County is unique. Its where you can live in a charming community,  explore one of a kind landscapes, purchase fresh local food daily, discover local adventures, relax in tranquility, keep the family entertained, greet your friendly neighbors every morning, breathe in the fresh air and fall asleep under stunning starry skies. And there’s more. Why wouldn’t you want to move to Bruce County? Come visit and never leave. 

Small Communities

One perk about moving to Bruce County is that there are so many small communities that you can choose to make your home! These communities offer different amenities and benefits! Choose to live in Walkerton along the beautiful Saugeen River, set down roots in Tiverton for a mix of beach life and rural living, and decide on Wiarton to be able to take daytrips up the Bruce Peninsula, or choose Lion’s Head to be minutes away from the stunning Georgian Bay lookout points. Almost every community offers local schools, restaurants and downtown shops. The locals are excited to welcome you to the community and make your feel a part of the small town family. Pick the community that makes you feel the most at home!

Beautiful Landscapes

There is something about seeing endless miles of farm fields and turquoise water that makes you forget about the stressors in your life, this is the moment where your shoulder drops from your ears. Making your home in Bruce County is easy when there is such a beautiful landscape from the rocky peninsula shorelines, the sandy beaches and spectacular sunsets along the lakeshore, and the rolling green pastures in the interior, Bruce County is simply a stunning place to live. Whether you enjoy the small-town country feel with farmer’s fields stretching out for miles, or the waterfront view of crystal clear Georgian Bay, Bruce County has beautiful landscapes for everyone.  You’ll be able to brag to your friends that you live shockingly close to the world-renowned community of Tobermory, the 8th wonder of Canada! Bruce County is a beautiful place to explore, and it’s all in your backyard.

Local Food Grown Close to Home

Interested in eating fresh local food, that you know where it was grown and the famer who raised it? Bruce County is home to thousands of family farms who raise and sell their products at their farm gate, local farmers markets, and grocery stores. From Bruce County dairy products from GayLea in Teeswater, to fresh Asparagus from HiBerry Farms in Port Elgin, or the shiny red apples you can hand pick at Smiths Apple Orchard outside of Port Elgin, the local food is definitely a reason to make Bruce County your home.

Local Adventures

An aerial view of a lighthouse along the waters edge.

With so many places to explore in Bruce County, you’re able to enjoy a new adventure every weekend! Daytrips and weekend adventures are both great ways to Explore the Bruce! Take a drive up the peninsula to visit the Bruce Peninsula National Park for a day! Park your camping trailer at one of the many campgrounds in the area for the weekend. Or how about checking out the lighthouses that line the extraordinary shoreline of the Bruce? Explore from Point Clark all the way up to Tobermory for a lighthouse adventure that you’ll be sure to remember. There is so much to do in Bruce County, you’ll never get bored!

Peace and Quiet

Wouldn’t it be nice to walk out into your backyard, lounge in a comfy patio chair, and hear nothing but the sound of the whistling wind? Anyone that lives in Bruce County knows that this experience is more than just a dream. Wake up to the sound of waves crashing on a beach when you choose the live along the shoreline. Choose from the sandy waterfront properties along Lake Huron, or the turquoise waters of Georgian Bay. Maybe you want to hear the sound of birds singing as you walk out your front door. Choose to live near one of our four provincial parks, such as MacGregor Point in Saugeen Shores, to hear the peaceful sound of the 340 different bird species that live here in Bruce County. Whatever type of peace and quiet you’re looking for, we’ve got it here in Bruce County

Activities for the Whole Family

In Bruce County, there are local activities to keep the entire family entertained – year round! The Port Elgin beach, splash pads and Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre are just a few of the great places to keep children entertained. The downtown shopping, wineries and breweries, and delicious restaurants are sure to keep the adults busy. The many campgrounds, the National and Provincial parks and the sandy beaches are great adventures for the whole family. Come winter, there is snowshoeing, snowmobiling, and cross country skiing so there’s no end to the activities, regardless of the time of year. Get your family outside and explore what there is to see in your own backyard. Discover the beauty of Bruce County with your family and create memories that you will all remember for years to come.

Friendly Locals

Have you ever been shopping in the grocery store and had the pleasure of running into someone you know? The small communities of Bruce County allow you to experience this on a regular basis! One of the greatest benefits of living in a small town in getting to know the people in your community. Walk down the street and wave at neighbours passing by, have a great conversation with one of the local business owners, and allow your kids to play with all of their neighbourhood friends. Bruce County lets you feel like you’re a part of something. Your community is more than just a location on a map, it’s a family!

Fresh Air

Lake Huron

Take a deep breath in… and out! Did you inhale car fumes and smog? Nope, not in Bruce County! The residents of Bruce County take pride in our clean environment. Groups like the Bruce Peninsula Environment Group work hard to make sure that the Bruce remains as an eco-friendly county, by conserving the nature that we take pride in. Our protected national and provincial parks also keep Bruce County green for both the residents and the furry friends living on Bruce County soil. Surround yourself with thousands of trees and kilometers of fresh water shorelines! In Bruce County, feel fresh!

Striking Skies

Bruce County is one of the last places in Southern Ontario where dark sky communities still exist as it is home to UNESCO Worlds Biosphere Reserves. Many cities experience light pollution, where wasted light from streetlights and tall city buildings ruins the view of the beautiful night sky. Since 2004, the Bruce Peninsula has focused on preserving dark skies. In 2009, the Bruce Peninsula National Park & Fathom Five National Marine Park became dark sky preserves, designated by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Take advantage of these dark sky communities by finding an open area to look up at the stars and appreciate the view. Want to make your stargazing experience even more memorable? Take a trip up to Bayside Astronomy in Lion’s Head and get the opportunity to learn how to find your way through the stars. You might even get the opportunity to peek through one of their telescopes!

Fantastic Job Opportunities

Bruce County boasts many interesting job opportunities year round!  With energy, tourism and agriculture being our top 3 industries in the county, there is sure to be something that sparks your interest. Opportunities from Bruce Power and supporting companies are plentiful in the stunning lakeshore region. Tourism, small business and provincial and National park jobs are available on the rugged Peninsula, and farming and small business opportunities are what you will find in the interior.
Looking at starting your own business? Business to Bruce can help you with planning, execution and support to open your business!

White Snow All Winter Long

Some of the most beautiful and quiet moments in the County occur in the wintertime. We live in Canada because we LOVE the four seasons. New winter activities are popping up every year. Skate on the loop at MacGregor Point Park, cross-country ski at Sawmill Ski Trails, and go winter camping in a yurt at MacGregor Point Provincial Park. The snow is whiter in Bruce County!